Wednesday, June 13, 2012

The Virtues of Blogging as Scholarly Activity

     I like to crochet. One of the things I do in between crochet projects is search the blogs of other crocheters for tips or new ideas. Because of this, I've always seen blogs as being a way that creative people can share their ideas with each other but have never considered blogging myself and have certainly never considered that blogging can be useful in an elementary level classroom. I am actually pretty excited to say that I have gotten a couple good ideas about how to use blogs in an elementary classroom after reading this article. I would love to be able to use a blog as a journal for the children. With this blog the children can post regular writing activities along with videos, pictures, and artwork created by themselves. This is also a great way to share work with parents on a regular basis. I think this is great way to get kids to write in many different ways!

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