Thursday, June 28, 2012

Why Flipped Classrooms Are Here to Stay

This method of flipping the classroom can be completely attributed to good problem solving by the teachers it was created by. I remember my high school teachers having huge problems with absences as well and I know that I had problems doing homework at home. I think that teaching needs to evolve in these kinds of ways. A couple of months ago, a friend of mine was dealing with a mentor teacher that was not doing a good job. She basically did not do anything that he had learned in college and the students hated her class. One day, while he was complaining about the situation he said, "Just because you've been doing something a certain way for 23 years does not mean that you're doing it right." At that moment, I could not believe how right he was. All the experience in the world does not alone make you a good teacher. What makes a good teacher is the motivation to change and adapt in order to keep students engaged and to teach them to your best ability. I think these teachers were geniuses in finding a way to do just that for their students.

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